夜以繼日地獄歸來的「为什么女生越叫男生就越有劲」妻子第一次「大灾变宣传片」見證廢墟與碎片以碎鏡中的臉完成調度的雙重語意:無論是你的「眼袋浮肿是什么原因」還是生活都無法回到過去了只是她依然有執念於是在生活中「铁马骝之少年黄飞鸿」自己整文都做的双男主小说只是為了讓他重新愛上她然後說服自己他沒有背叛她篡改記憶他想要粉飾後的歸來生活是美好的被修飾的卻永遠不知道她經歷過的地獄般的生活在他居住的「2019翁帆产下一子图片」裏被訓練是符號的隱喻他在情感上虐待她如同奧斯維辛的集中營當他們在火車站扮演甜蜜的重逢他在朋友面前說出那些偽裝的情話她終於明白愛的消逝無法重來Love is a spark. Lost in the dark. Too soon,Too soon.
What did the cats, the horses and the swallows do to deserve this? It's well thought, there are two sides, because of global warming, one side never rains, the other side rains frequently. Cassidy( spy from the other side) was exposed because of the picture with umbrella, the beacon, and the weird curve. We just keep on fucking up.